Friday, August 26, 2011


ya allah , aku sakit hati wey dengan emy :( sedih dengan perangai babi die tuh ! sape tak sakit hati , die janji nak jumpe aku hari khamis , lepas uh tak jadi , aku bole sabar lagi , ary jumaat lak , takk jadi jugak ! ya allah ! sakit haty wey , kau cakap gan aku , sape tak sakit hati kalau pakwe sendiri buad macam tuh , macam babi jea die buad aku , die pikir aku ape ? macam siall lha kau niy emy , now , kitew tengok hary sabtu lak ! kalau tak jadi jugakk , aku tak taho lha , nak ckp ape , cukup lha hary niy aku tak layan kau langsong , cukup lha , aku betol-2 sakit haty ! sumpah ! kalau tak jdy jugak jumpe ary sabtu , aku memang tana jumpe kau dah , sumpah aku cakp ! aku benci kau ! kau dah berubah , dah 7 bulan kite couple kau memang dah berubah ! kau dah adew perempuan lain ea ? okiey ! aku paham :(


  1. Do you get into the login issues in your Hitbtc account? Do you have solutions and tricks to resolve this error? If no, there is no need to get panic at all. Just take your phone and dial Hitbtc support phone number 1-800-665-6722 and speak to the concern members who are always at your assistance and have the required solutions to resolve the errors and issues in the least possible time.
